Trezor® App (Official)

To download and Trezor Suite is an app that lets you manage your crypto assets on your Trezor hardware wallet. You can download it for desktop or web, connect your device, …

The Trezor App, officially known as Trezor Suite Lite, is a mobile application developed by Trezor Company s.r.o. that allows users to securely track their cryptocurrency balances, monitor savings, and easily create new receive addresses on the go. This app serves as a watch-only wallet, meaning it provides a view of your wallet's contents without the ability to send or transact with cryptocurrencies directly. Key features and information about the Trezor Suite Lite app include:

  • Platforms: Available for iOS devices through the App Store and for Android devices through Google Play.

  • Functionality: Users can sync and track their crypto assets on their mobile devices via the Trezor Suite Lite app while keeping their Trezor hardware wallet secure at home.

  • Updates: The app is continuously improving, with new features and bug fixes being rolled out over time to enhance performance and stability.

  • Privacy: The app's privacy practices involve handling data such as identifiers, usage data, and diagnostics, but this data is not linked to users' identities.

  • Security: It is emphasized that using Trezor Suite Lite does not pose any risk to users' cryptocurrency balances, as it is a watch-only wallet that cannot affect the actual balance or conduct transactions.

It is important to note that beginners are advised to exercise caution when using the app, especially regarding the limitations of a watch-only wallet and the importance of understanding cryptocurrency operations to avoid potential mistakes or loss of funds. Overall, the Trezor Suite Lite app provides a convenient way for users to stay informed about their cryptocurrency holdings securely and conveniently on their mobile devices, complementing the functionality of the Trezor hardware wallet and the Trezor Suite desktop application

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